Any real estate agent would tell you selling a vacant home is 10 times more difficult than selling an occupied one. There can be a lot of reasons behind the empty property. A vacant property often has a bad reputation for poor management, so you need to build a marketing strategy as soon as possible to find a new owner. The usual marketing trends may not be effective for selling a vacant property. As a realtor, you need to strategize a specific marketing plan for a vacant home. Real estate marketing trends are ever-changing and modernizing day by day. To get fruitful results from your marketing plan, you need to study these trends and understand what is the best strategy.
That is a lot of work, isn’t it? Worry not, we have compiled a list of 7 trending tips on how you can market your vacant homes. Read ahead!
Have Your Yard Sign Hanging – Old School Approach? Maybe, but this is one trend that would never go out of style. Although a lot of business is shifting online, do not underestimate the ‘For Sale’ sign on a perfectly mowed lawn. Potential buyers can drive around and like the property thus starting the process of a sale. Many luxury homes sell because of those signs hanging outside the property. Do not worry about attracting criminals, get your house proper insurance and warranty and you are safe.
Make social media your best friend – The whole world is on social media these days. No matter what the business, the first preferred marketing platform is on social media. Especially if you are targeting the younger generation this is your best tool. Real estate agents know the power of social media and do not leave this opportunity. A well-articulated advertisement on Facebook and Instagram, adding features like a 360 view of the property will bring the attention of many onlookers.
Also remember, via social media, realtors can advertise their property locally or internationally as they please. Broadcasting the location of the property will help gather prospective buyers who are interested in that area. If it is a vacation home, many buyers are interested these days to purchase holiday homes in different or far away locations. In short, social media is your best bet.
Hire a cleaning service – No buyer would like to walk into a property with a lot of excitement only to see dirty flooring, unkempt interiors, or some foul smell. A property’s valuation drops significantly if the property is left dirty and withering. It is very important to clean the entire property thoroughly before putting it up on the market for sale. Many homeowners take the task of cleaning a property upon themselves. Do not make that mistake! One cannot clean a house better than a professional cleaning team, who bring with them tools to turn the house into a new clean property.
Choose virtual staging – An empty house can give off a lifeless and dull picture to the eyes of the buyers. Thus to appeal to buyers, many realtors opt for property staging, especially for vacant homes. Staging a vacant property gives it a background and feel that sells better than a vacant house with whitewashed walls. There are two types of staging – physical staging (the more traditional one) and virtual staging (the trendy option).
Although both of them have the same purpose, virtually staged homes are more appealing to buyers and realtors alike. Virtual staging has more pros compared to physical staging. Virtual staging is far easier to set up as it takes a knowledgeable 3D artist and a few hours. 3D artists can transform the house and renovate it. The cost and effort to set up a property significantly reduced with virtual staging.
Fix small errors – The process of listing a vacant property on the real estate market should not be done hastily. Realtors should spend a considerable amount of time concentrating on fixing any issues before putting them up on the market. On a vacant house, minor issues like missing light bulbs or smudges on the wall are more highlighted. If left untreated, a prospective buyer would not get a good first impression. This will result in losing potential business. Similarly, major repairs should not be hidden and be fixed at the get-go. Building a trustworthy relationship between clients and agents is highly crucial.
Focus on advertising the neighborhood more – When potential buyers come for a visit to tour the property, apart from the house their focus is also where the property is situated. The realtor should always point out the perks of the neighborhood. When investing in a home buyers are curious about the additional plus points of the surroundings.
For example, if it is a married couple, a realtor should point out the number of schools and kindergartens in the area. Attractions like shopping malls, parks, clubs, and similar modern amenities would be a point of interest to younger couples.
Keep the utilities – One step towards making a sale of a vacant home is to keep the utilities on. If the property is vacant, they can give off an unwelcoming vibe, and on top of it if the property is too hold or too cold and dark, forget ever trying to impress the clients. Buyers would only be interested in a property if they envision themselves living in it. A house should feel warm and cozy. Although it would cost money to keep the utilities of the house on, such investment will ultimately be covered if a good sale can be made to prospective buyers.
Selling a vacant home can be a challenging
task. If you keep these tips in mind, start working on the property right away.
The tips will help you to boost your sales and you will succeed in your
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